Home > General Nonsense > Footballers and their self portraits

Footballers and their self portraits

An original Rooney… Sharpie on paper

Footballers are shite at drawing and clearly lack any imagination whatsoever (not that we needed that confirming), especially if we are to take the following examples as a benchmark of their artistic talent.

Just by way of a bit of background – 40 Premier League footballers and managers drew self-portraits for a book called The Art Of Football, which will be auctioned at the Football Extravaganza dinner on Monday in London. Money raised will go to the Nordoff Robbins music therapy charity.

Some examples are below:

Gerrard, clearly influenced by Egon Schiele

Robert Green with a passable effort: At least it looks a bit like him

Richard Dunne: Still reads The Beano

The standard gets slightly better with this effort from Robin Van Persie

John Carew: looking like Beavis or Butthead?

The Drog!

Evil (or stoned) looking yank goalie Marcus Hahnemann

This must have taken Cesc all of 27 seconds to complete

Categories: General Nonsense
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